Tuesday, November 22, 2011


With the recent unknown server crash (which is running again). I would like to share with you one of the most amazing plugins that I have found so far. Though I have not tested it very much myself I hope that this plugin is able to be directly incorporated into minecraft itself once modding becomes standard. It is called Spout, with its partner client side plugin Spoutcraft. Spout allows you to mod even more about your server. The things it lets you mod are now increased to things that are rendered by the client computer. These things include item images, item names, menus, and more. It is quite an ingenious plugin and I hope to relay more information about how it works soon. The end result is that players who play on demeter who have the spoutcraft mod on the client will probably be able to do more things more easily then those who don't.
- Admin Asher

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