Thursday, June 23, 2011

POI on the map

After getting tired of not being able to see the difference between sortals and not sortals I decided to figure out how to create separate menus. After I figured that out I decided to create a method of marking all the "cool things" we build. There will be two ways of marking a POI. One is with a sortal to homebase. If you leave the top line blank then it will not appear as a POI.

|__Objectname Here__|
|___Anything here___|

The other is with a sign that does not function as a sortal. This is used if you want to include three lines of text in your POI or if your sortal back to homebase is on the outside of the POI and you want the marker to be on the inside.

|_Point of Interest_|
|__Objectname Here__|
|_____More Text_____|
|_____More Text_____|

If you want to still have your sortal to homebase contain the name of the poi but not show up as a poi then simply put a space on either side of the name and it will be ignored without obscuring the text on the sign.

|_ Objectname Here _|
|___Anything here___|

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