Monday, May 2, 2011

DEOP is here

The massive deop has arrived, And just in time the server is completely reconfigured to fit your needs. More information will be coming soon but here is what you will need to know.

Things that still work
/tp jump
/tp tool (the feather tool)
all forms of use of the sortal gates

Things that do not work anymore (common things)
/time set
(all other op skills /list /kick /anything else)

"But admin! This sucks, I want to be able to spawn items and set it to day time" says the Cory the complainer
"You still can!" says Admingod
Instead of '/give' it is now '/i' the commands are a little bit backwards so you will have to get used to it, however you can now specify the [damage] section of your item, which means wool colors and stuff of the sort!

"Buuuuut hoow do I set it do daayyyyy tiiiiiime!!!" says Cory
"Shut the hell up cory!" says Admingoingtokillyourightnow
to set the time to day simply use '/day' with no other arguments and the time will change to day.

Last thing for now, there is a new feature for mods '/fastmining'. it does what it says. use this command to toggle it on or off, so you can destroy blocks in one hit.

Current Players - Rank
Iggystlev - Admins
Klingbolt - Mod
IbramGaunt00 - Mod
Kroden - Default
Pyroguy - Default
Wishinstar - Default

Have a nice day
- Asher

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