Things that still work
/tp jump
/tp tool (the feather tool)
all forms of use of the sortal gates
Things that do not work anymore (common things)
/time set
(all other op skills /list /kick /anything else)
"But admin! This sucks, I want to be able to spawn items and set it to day time" says the Cory the complainer
"You still can!" says Admingod
Instead of '/give' it is now '/i' the commands are a little bit backwards so you will have to get used to it, however you can now specify the [damage] section of your item, which means wool colors and stuff of the sort!
"Buuuuut hoow do I set it do daayyyyy tiiiiiime!!!" says Cory
"Shut the hell up cory!" says Admingoingtokillyourightnow
to set the time to day simply use '/day' with no other arguments and the time will change to day.
Last thing for now, there is a new feature for mods '/fastmining'. it does what it says. use this command to toggle it on or off, so you can destroy blocks in one hit.
Current Players - Rank
Iggystlev - Admins
Klingbolt - Mod
IbramGaunt00 - Mod
Kroden - Default
Pyroguy - Default
Wishinstar - Default
Have a nice day
- Asher
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